NAFA is widely recognised for its quality education and efficient corporate governance. Following is a list of corporate accolades we have won.
Ministry of Education, Singapore
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) is a private institution providing publicly-funded diploma programmes in the arts. NAFA also offers publicly-funded music degree programme in collaboration with the Royal College of Music, London (RCM).
SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)
SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) exercises its functions and powers under the Private Education Act 2009 and subsidiary legislations. The EduTrust Certification Scheme (EduTrust) is a voluntary quality assurance scheme presently administered by SSG for PEIs
in Singapore. It aims to recognise PEIs that are able to consistently maintain high standards in key areas of management and in the provision of education services. NAFA was first awarded EduTrust certification in June 2011 and has maintained its
certification ever since.
The Commissioner of Charities
NAFA is an approved Institution of a Public Character (IPC) approved by the Commissioner of Charities to receive tax-deductible donations. Donors are able to claim tax relief from their assessable income based on the amount donated, at prevailing deduction
The office of the Commissioner of Charities is under the purview of the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth. IPCs are charities which are able to issue tax deductible receipts for qualifying donations to donors. IPCs are rightfully held to a higher
standard, both in terms of regulatory compliance as well as governance.
Building and Construction Authority (BCA)
NAFA Campus 3 has been awarded the Green Mark Platinum Certification for the Academy’s green effort in energy efficiency, water efficiency and indoor environmental quality.

BCA Green Mark is a green building rating system to evaluate a building for its environmental impact and performance. It is endorsed and supported by the National Environment Agency. It provides a comprehensive framework for assessing the overall environmental
performance of new and existing buildings to promote sustainable design, construction and operations practices in buildings.
Public Utilities Board (PUB)
NAFA Campus 1, 2 and 3 have been awarded the Water Efficient Building (WEB) Certification. The WEB Certification recognises water users who adopt the water efficiency management system and are exemplary performers in water efficiency.
Corporate Excellence HEALTH Award
NAFA has won the Corporate Excellence Award for the biennial Singapore HEALTH (Helping Employees Achieve Life-Time Health) Award 2017. This Award recognises NAFA's continued commitment to promote workplace health and embrace commendable workplace health
practices. This accolade is in addition to the SILVER HEALTH AWRD received in December 2012, likewise in recognition of our commendable efforts in promoting workplace health and enhancing the well-being of NAFA colleagues.

Please click here for more information on the Singapore Health Award.
Tripartite Standards
NAFA has been recognised by the Tripartite Alliance for Fair & Progressive Practices (TAFEP) for our commitment towards adopting fair and progressive employment practices. To date, we have adopted the Tripartite Standards (TS) on Employment of Term
Contract Employees, Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA), Recruitment Practices, Grievance Handling, Age-Friendly Workplaces and Unpaid Leave For Unexpected Care Needs (UCL).
For more information on the Tripartite Standards, please click