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By Meng Jing Hui
Directed by Peter Sau
Presented by 2017 BA (Hons) Theatre Arts (Mandarin Drama)

Written and first directed by resident director of the National Theatre Company of China, Meng Jing Hui, this play reflects the sentiment of a group of people in China’s post-socialism era, surrounded by the 1900s European and American events. Meng has also been credited with radicalising and revitalising the Chinese theatre. Abolishing both plot and characters, mixing high culture with mass culture, it playfully employs a verbal collage of patriotic, epic, historical, nostalgic, poetic, absurd and brazen expressions, to expose the fragility of beliefs, ideologies, wants and desires throughout history and humanity.

原创剧本: 孟京辉
导演: 苏佳亮
演出: 南艺戏剧艺术学士(荣誉)2017班

这是中国国家话剧院导演孟京辉编导的作品中“将一种执拗的疯狂推到了极致”的最有实验性的一部戏剧。这一部很“‘飞’的漫画式狂想”,没有任何故事情节,而是以一群人的生活经历为背景连缀起世界各地各种各样的事件 通过“词语嫁接”和“词语繁殖”的语言结构方式把伟人言论与市井粗话进行戏谑式的拼贴,《我爱XXX 》以一种近乎残酷的呈现方式大胆表现生活,挑战思维定势。