Page 5 - NAFA-Diploma-Degree-Course-Guide-2018-2019
P. 5

School of ArtS Management, Dance & Theatre 32

               arts ManageMent   36                        theatre   42
               Diploma in Arts Management                  Diploma in Theatre (English Drama)
               Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Arts Management     Diploma in Theatre (Mandarin Drama)

               Dance   40                                  Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Theatre Arts
               Diploma in Dance

               School of MUSIC         46

               Diploma in Music
               Diploma in Music Teaching
               Specialist Diploma in Orchestral Conducting
               Music Preparatory Course
               Bachelor of Music (Hons)

               Admissions        54

               aDMissiOns at a glance               56     acaDeMic inFOrMatiOn                   80
               DiplOMa aDMissiOn requireMents       58     grants & schOlarships                  82

               Degree aDMissiOn requireMents        69     internatiOnal applicants               88
               cOurse Fees                          72     Overseas eDucatiOn cOunsellOrs         90
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